Not Married, No Kidding.

Not Married, No Kidding.

The economy, the culture, the lifestyle, the uncertainty of climate changes all over the world, war, pollution, lack of jobs, massive migrations, xenophobia, technology walking away from humanity, women’s advancement in the workforce, gender diversity awareness, freedom of sexual orientation, lifestyle, etc. So many reasons why more and more people choose to remain single and/or not to have children, at least for now. And they shouldn’t feel ashamed about it. Nowadays, it is not only hard to make and grow new people, it is also expensive.

Of course, those who pursue parenthood more fervently should always be helped and encouraged, but so do the ones who don’t wish to become parents for whatever reason.

To support the freedom of individual lifestyle, we created a small but growing ‘Singlehood’ Collection, where we put all our ideas, wishes, and respect to those who fly solo, those who are not feeling having children or getting married right now, or never.

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