Tantrum Media Store, New Yorkers Collection, Statue of Liberty cartoon printed Pet Hoodie, Colorful, creative, original design

Pet Parenthood

We’re slightly below the Total Fertility Rate count, and Elon Musk is freaking out… Oh, please, give us a break. Many countries around the world have indeed seen a decrease in fertility rates. Younger people don’t perceive having children as important as their parents and grandparents did. The world isn’t necessarily harder now than it was for the Silent Generation or the Baby Boomers, but it’s not easier either.

The economy, climate change, social inequalities finding new ways to persist, and the constant threats of war and conflict — these are just some of the reasons why not having children makes complete sense. Not for Elon, though; he thinks we’re on the verge of extinction, but only time will tell.

For now, the number of people who want to reproduce is declining, but the percentage of people choosing pets over parenthood is increasing. Some studies show that nationwide, 67% of people aged 18 to 26 say they are opting for pets over parenthood, with 74% of those surveyed citing cost as a major factor. Additionally, 81% of all people and 98% of younger people believe that caring for a dog is easier than caring for a child.

There’s no right or wrong here; it’s always a personal decision, a lifestyle. Inspired by those who prefer furry friends, we’ve created our Pets Collectionwith original designs and fabric patterns to provide your precious furry family member with vibrant styling options.

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