What Would Taylor Do?

What Would Taylor Do?

You can barely breathe. That’s how it feels when we break up with someone we love. Suddenly, our emotions become a thousand nails scratching all over our soul, we can’t think about anything but our ex. After a couple of hours of suffering, self-pity, and, in some cases, nausea; we know some actions need to take place immediately: EATING (especially ice cream or junk food, whatever is easier to access) and SHOPPING (or retail therapy as many call it)

There is some science behind these compulsive behaviors; our bodies crave a surge of serotonin to counter the spike in cortisol caused by the breakup-induced stress. Naturally, our fight-or-flight response kicks in, elevating cortisol levels, hence the gravitation towards eating — especially comforting treats — and shopping. These actions trigger the release of happy hormones, providing a much-needed balm for our sorrow and aiding the healing process.

While it’s crucial to allow oneself sufficient time to heal and mourn the loss of the relationship, it’s equally vital to take proactive steps toward recovery and progression. To start eating healthier, to do things or practice activities that we like, or make us good, just like Taylor Swift would do after a bad breakup. That’s where our curated collection of clothing and accessories comes into play, designed to assist you in precisely that endeavor — moving forward, letting go, and finding joy once more. Take our ‘F*ck My Ex-Boyfriend Tee,’ for instance; it’s bound to elicit laughter from you in a few months, a time when you’ll scarcely give your ex’s Instagram account a passing glance.

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